Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sping Break!

Spring Break has been fun! Got together with family, kids got to enjoy time with some long lost cousins! (Jordan and Rachel came down here, and more family to come Thursday) Bridget came and stayed the night with my girls, they were up late with popcorn and a movie!! Those are the days....carefree life of children!!

Not so fun for me last night, Blayd woke up 1 o'clock in the morning with a asthma attack! Thank the Lord for an Albuterol inhaler!!! Gave him a couple puffs of that and he was good....except for the fact that it makes him twitch, and talk in his sleep!!! Last time he had this it was a nightmare!! Watching my child struggle for air, is not my favorite thing to do!! Finally found out he has viral induced asthma, and was given a Albuterol inhaler, it works wonders!!! Too bad it took a $750.00 emergency room bill to get it!!! Oh well I guess, you've got to do what you got to do!!
Anyways... today is very windy, tumble weeds bounce through the brown, dust filled air in my backyard, luckily I got Eric to anchor down the swing set and trampoline, although that still didn't stop the slide from ripping off! Dogs sit chewing on footballs left outside, Samuel and Blayd, best buds now, play happily for hours with a few Lego's in the living room. Samuel giggles loudly, while Blayd is acting goofy. I sit here wanting to go clean out my car, which is a disaster, but not wanting to get blow away by the wind. (a nice excuse anyway, my car is the last thing I ever get around to cleaning!!)

The house is fairly silent today, Eric took Bryce and Alemu to work with him. YA!! Five kids seem really easy now...would actually consider going somewhere with them all :) if Annabel was feeling well! She has a slight fever and has been in bed all day, poor girl.

Got Alemu to wear something other then his crocs today.....that was a miracle! They are half eaten, from the dogs, and no matter what kind of shoe I buy him he likes those crocs the best!! I have to go get him another pair soon! I also got Bryce to finally change out of his clothes that he's worn three days in a row, even with a shower in between!! You would think after taking a shower he would not desire to put on dirty clothes, not for this child... I was not at all happy!! BOYS.....they keep life interesting! :)

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