Monday, March 2, 2009

It has been interesting having 4 boys in the home. They are ALWAYS full of energy!! I am having a hard time keeping hole less jeans in the house. They are growing at impressive amounts, and it's no wonder their appetites are unstoppable!! Around here there is always a lot of giggles and noise, and at times tempers out of control, and at the end of the day its a lot of kisses and a lot of hugs goodnight, and that is when I sit back and thank God, for all my girls and rambunctious boys!!


  1. hey! glad you started a blog! sounds like your kids keep you busy. the pics are adorable!

  2. we'd have to prepare a feast if your four boys broke bread with mine - it's insane how much they can pack away, isn't it? and to think it will probably only get worse...
